The time bank platform empowers registered users to connect with others who share similar needs and capabilities. Through the exchange of knowledge and time, users have the opportunity to earn hours that they can then use to access a wide range of services, including language instruction, music lessons, programming courses, and mentoring programs. This innovative approach to community building allows users to maximize their resources while also supporting the growth and development of others. Whether you are a volunteer, organization, or association, the time bank provides a powerful platform for sharing your skills and expertise with others.


The Time Bank platform enables users to exchange their skills and knowledge by offering specific services to other members and registered organizations. Instead of using money, users provide their time (in hours) to receive the needed services. This system gives everyone an equal opportunity to contribute to society and improve themselves through training, experience, and skill acquisition. By working together towards common goals, users build trust and establish a self-sustaining community that meets the needs of its members. With this platform, we can all unite and make a difference in our community, meeting one hour at a time.


The Time Bank initiative is a beacon of hope for young people who want to make a difference in the world. Our platform provides accessibility, variety, and efficiency, allowing users to exchange skills, knowledge, and values while engaging in activism and volunteering. Join us in enhancing youth participation and achieving our goal of meeting the needs and desires of our users.